Temperature, humidity & airflow, Kerres has the answers:
To produce perfect charcuterie having the correct temperature, humidity and airflow is critical. With over 50 years of experience and master butchers within our group we are able to configure systems that will produce product of the highest calibre. Many award winning producers rely on Kerres.
Absolute Consistency.
KSG - Stand alone indoor Conditioning Unit
Up to 2.5 tonnes
The KSG is a game changer for the small to medium sized charcuterie producer. No longer do producers need to rely on a mixture of equipment to manage the temperature, humidity and airflow within their drying/maturing room. The KSG is a plug an play unit that has proven it’s self with many top award winning producers. Learn more here
Bespoke Drying Rooms
Kerres are the first name in building made to measure drying rooms to control the drying/maturing of your charcuterie. Many award winning producers rely on Kerres to provide the perfect temperature, humidity and airflow which is critical for the production of raw sausage products, hams, meat, fish or cheese. With possibilities to configure rooms for ripening/fermenting, drying, smoking and conditioning Kerres have the expertise to maximise your potential. Learn more here