Truck / Trolley Washers
Designed to wash the toughest baked on residue:
With a unique cleaning operation, the Kerres truck / trolley / gantry washers are the benchmark for cleaning performance.
Reliable, consistent.
15 - 20 trucks / hour
The KRW 1 sets the standard in truck washing, with it’s unique ring leaning system, the KRW is able to wash front, back, left right, top, middle and bottom with absolute consistency. Radically reducing the amount of water, cleaning solution and labour the KRW 1 can be configured as an air-lock system with multiple heating and door options.
KRW 1-Tunnel
15 - 20 trucks / hour + Auto Loading & Unloading
Based around the same framework as a standard KRW1, the Tunnel version allows you to load up multiple trucks, which will then be automatically loaded into the washer, cleaned and then exit the washer. For the producer who needs to wash multiple trucks this system is able to radically reduce the amount of labour required freeing your hygiene team to focus on other areas.